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Минусовка Shes Always Right

Clay Walker

MP3 128 kBit/s 44100 Hz 3.27 Mb 3:34

Текст песни Shes Always Right (Clay Walker):

She's perfect for a cotton dress
Pretty when her hair's a mess
A little wine and she gets a little loud
Once or twice she's bleached my jeans
She's been known to burn the beans
But in my heart there's never been a doubt

She's right as rain on a thirsty cornfield
Right on the money 'bout the way that I feel
A cool breath of fresh air
When life tries to burn me down
She's right behind me when I doubt myself
With a little push and a hand to help
A Quiet comfort on a troubled night
Right beside me, yeah, she's always right

Well she's the first to speak her mind
Never been the quittin' kind
She likes chocolate about as much as she likes me
She likes talking on the phone
Calls the mall her second home
I love that girl
Yeah, she's just right for me

She's right as rain on a thirsty cornfield
Right on the money 'bout the way that I feel
A cool breath of fresh air
When life tries to burn me down
She's right behind me when I doubt myself
With a little push and a hand to help
A Quiet comfort on a troubled night
Right beside me, yeah, she's always right

Yeah, she's right behind me when I doubt myself
With a little push and a hand to help
A Quiet comfort on a troubled night
Right beside me, yeah, she's always right

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