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Минусовка Paradise Carousel

Clare Teal

MP3 128 kBit/s 44100 Hz 3.24 Mb 3:32

Текст песни Paradise Carousel (Clare Teal):

Tell me should I stay
Or run the other way
Love is like a grapefruit spinning sour
That is sweet and both
Forbidden and unknown

Should I hit the ground
Should I stop it turning round
Tell me is this real or just for fun
Tell me you're the one
To stop this carousel

Is fate the cause of every wonder
Or is it just a spell we're under
Is love's young dream of fire forever
Enough to build a life together
How do two people so dissim'lar
Grow into something so familiar
So effortless and beautiful and real

( Guitar )

Is fate the cause of every wonder
Or is it just a spell we're under
Is love's young dream of fire forever
Enough to build a life together
How do two people so dissim'lar
Grow into something so familiar
So effortless and beautiful and real

Tell me should I stay
Or run the other way
Tell me is this real or just for fun
Tell me you're the one
To stop this carousel

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