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Минусовка Shortie like mine

Bow Wow

MP3 189 kBit/s 44100 Hz 6.1 Mb 4:30

Текст песни Shortie like mine (Bow Wow):

Only thing that keeps me up when I'm feelin' down
I don't know about you but I gotta keep mines around cause
I done looked I done searched and it's hard to find another shorty like mine
baby yes I'm addicted to how we kick it everything you say to me
Never knew it could be so wicked hopin' that you stay wit me
search around the world but you will never find another shorty like mine
shorty like mine

I tell my niggas that uh you got a girl but she ain't nothin' like (mineeee)
Cute face nice size like (mineee)
Stay kitted hood wit like (mineee)
Mean walk talk the talk Let me tell you some more

I knew when I ran into this one she would be the redrum of my pimpin'
Knew she would be the one to make me stop caring about other girls
on my jock and gettin' them she was the one to slow me down hold me down
I roll wit her know go wit it now Im'a grow wit it now I'ma go get her thas how
I got her don't be mad you can't get one hotta broke them up when they made lil' momma
I don't care what my niggas say she been there everyday for my drama Some of the homies
hate cause they want her wish they the ones thas datin' my woman gone get a good look cause she fine
and I don't mind cause she mine

Only thing that keeps me up when I'm feelin' down
I don't know about you but I gotta keep mines around cause
I done looked I done searched and it's hard to find another shorty like mine
baby yes I'm addicted to how we kick it everything you say to me
Never knew it could be so wicked hopin' that you stay wit me
search around the world but you will never find another shorty like mine
shorty like mine

I tell my niggas that uh you got a girl but she ain't nothin' like (mineeee)
Cute face nice size like (mineee)
Stay kitted hood wit like (mineee)
Mean walk talk the talk let me tell you some more

I got all this love inside of me and all I wanna do is give it to her
I don't care what the fellas say bout it cause I got somethin' to say bout it
Wat I'm about to say is straight up real talk no cut I don't pla

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