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Минусовка Hurt Lovers


MP3 192 kBit/s 44100 Hz 5.41 Mb 3:56

Текст песни Hurt Lovers (Blue):

When the words that you wanted to say
Are all coming out wrong,
When you burst into tears,
Though you're trying so hard to be strong,
We're standing in,
Along the fire,
Trying to make two wrongs right,

Hurt Lovers, Hurt, Hurt Lovers oh,
Don't give up, Don't, Don't give up no,
Think of it
You can't just let it go,
You gotta try,
You gotta try,

So when all that you ever believe
Comes apart at the seams,
And when all of the bridges you build
Are washed away in a stream,
Whatever comes,
It's not the end,
We gotta fight,
And take a stand

Hurt Lovers, Hurt, Hurt Lovers oh,
Don't give up, Don't, Don't give up no,
Think of it
You can't just let it go,
You gotta try,
You gotta try,
Hurt Lovers, hurt so bad and then
Find something, to make things right again
It don't matter who wins out in the end
You gotta try,
We gotta try,
Even when you lose hurts,
And you played your last cards,
You know,
You know, you know

We're standing in,
Along the fire,
Trying to make two wrongs right,

Hurt Lovers, Hurt, Hurt Lovers oh,
Don't give up, Don't, Don't give up no,
You gotta try,
We gotta try,
Hurt Lovers, hurt so bad and then
Find something, to make things right again
It don't matter who wins out in the end
You gotta try,
We gotta try,
Hurt Lovers, hurt so bad again
Find something, to make things right again
It don't matter who wins out in the end
You gotta try,
We gotta try

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