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Минусовка Waiting For The 7.18

Bloc Party

MP3 262 kBit/s 44100 Hz 7.99 Mb 4:16

Текст песни Waiting For The 7.18 (Bloc Party):

Waiting for the seven eighteen
January is endless
Weary-eyed and forlorn
The Northern Line is the loudest

Sitting in silence in bars after work
I've got nothing to add or contest
Can still kick a ball a hundred yards
We cling to bottles and memories of the past

(Give me moments)
Just give me moments (give me moments)
Not hours or days (give me moments)
Just give me moments (give me moments)

Grinding your teeth in the middle of the night
With the sadness of those molars
Spend all your spare time trying to escape
With crosswords and sudoku

If i could do it again
I'd make more mistakes
I'd not be so scared of falling

If I could do it again,
I'd climb more trees
I'd pick and I'd eat more wild

(Give me moments)

Just give me moments (give me moments)
Not hours or days (give me moments)
Just give me moments (give me moments)

Let's drive to Brighton on the weekend (x4)

Let's drive to Brighton on the weekend (x4)

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