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Минусовка Kiss The Rain

Billie Myers

MP3 256 kBit/s 48000 Hz 8.8 Mb 4:48

Текст песни Kiss The Rain (Billie Myers):

Hello. Can you hear me     Am I getting through to you? 
hello.   Is it late there? There's laughter on the line 
Are you sure you're there alone? 
'Cause I'm ... I'm trying to explain 
Something's wrong, You just don't sound the same. 
Why don't you, why don't you, Go outside, go outside? 

Kiss the rain, Whenever you need me, 
Kiss the rain, Whenever I'm gone too long. 
If your lips    Feel hungry and thirsty, 
Kiss the rain And wait for the dawn. 
Keep in mind We're under the same sky, 
And the nights As empty for me as for you. 
If you feel You can't wait 'til morning, 
Kiss the rain, Kiss the rain. Kiss the rain.... 

Hello, Do you miss me? 
I hear you say you do, But not the way I'm missing you, 
So what's new? How's the weather? 
Is it stormy Where you are? 
'Cause I'm so close But it feels like you're so far. 
Oh it wouldn't mean anything, If you knew what I'm left imagining, 
In my mind, in my mind, Would you go, would you go? 

Kiss the rain.... 

As you fall over me, 
Think of me, think of me, think of me, only me. 

Kiss the rain, Whenever you need me, 
Kiss the rain, Whenever I'm gone too long. 
If your lips    Feel hungry and thirsty, 
Kiss the rain And wait for the dawn. 
Keep in mind We're under the same sky, 
And the nights As empty for me as for you. 
If you feel You can't wait 'til morning, 
Kiss the rain, Kiss the rain. KISSTHE RAIN ......KISS THE RAIN
Kiss the rain 3 РАЗА

Hello, can you hear me? Can you hear me? Can you hear me?

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