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Минусовка No one emotion


MP3 192 kBit/s 44100 Hz 5.31 Mb 3:52

Текст песни No one emotion (Benson):

You take me through so many moods
Midnight excitement to the quiet interludes
And just when I think I?ve got a clue
I see something new that I have never seen in you
With your eyes you ask what?s in my heart
You wonder why I love you
I don?t know where to start

?Cause no one emotion could ever reveal
All the things that I feel
No one emotion would ever do
No one emotion could ever describe
?Cause there?s too many here inside

I wish I knew the one thing it was
it?s more like a thousand things
that all add up to love
Sometimes I look when you don?t see
And a wave of affection comes a-washing over me
With your eyes you ask what?s in my heart
You wonder why I love you
I don?t know where to start

No one emotion could ever reveal
All the things that I feel
No one emotion would ever do
No one emotion could ever describe
All the feelings inside
No one emotion would be enough

I might as well try to pain with just one stroke
Or try to write a love song with just a single note

?Cause no one emotion could ever reveal
All the things that I feel
No one emotion would ever do
No one emotion could ever describe all the feelings inside
No one emotion would be enough

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