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Минусовка For no one


MP3 192 kBit/s 44100 Hz 2.99 Mb 2:10

Текст песни For no one (Beatles):

You day breaks, your mind aches 
You find that all her words 
of kindness linger on 
When she no longer needs you 
She wakes up, she makes up 
She takes her time and doesn‘t 
feel she has to hurry 
She no longer needs you 

And in her eyes, you see nothing 
No sign of love behind the tears 
Cried for no one 
A love that should have lasted years 

You want her, you need her 
And yet you don‘t believe her 
When she says her love is dead 
You think she needs you 

And in her eyes, you see nothing 
No sign of love behind the tears 
Cried for no one 
A love that should have lasted years 

You stay home, she goes out 
She says that long ago she knew someone 
but now he‘s gone 
She doesn‘t need him 
your day breaks, your mind aches 
There will be times when all the things 
she said will fill your head 
You won‘t forget her 

And in her eyes, you see nothing 
No sign of love behind the tears 
Cried for no one 
A love that should have lasted years

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