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Минусовка Roll On Down The Highway

Bachman-Turner Overdrive

MP3 128 kBit/s 44100 Hz 3.84 Mb 4:11

Текст песни Roll On Down The Highway (Bachman-Turner Overdrive):

 Roll On Down The Highway
Bachman-Turner Overdrive

We rented a truck and a semi to go
Travel down the long and winding road
Look on the map I think we've been here before,
Close the doors let's roll once more.

Cop on the corner, look he's startin' to write
I don't need no ticket so I screamed out of sight,
Drove so fast that my eyes can't see,
Look in the mirror is he still followin' me?

Let it roll down the highway
Let it roll down the highway,
Roll, roll.

Look at the sign, we're in the wrong place
Come on boys, let's get ready to race
454 coming over the hill
The man on patrol, is going to give us a bill.

The time's real short, you know the distance is long
I'd rather have a jet but it's not in the song
Climb back in the cab, cross your fingers for luck
We gotta keep movie' if we're going to make a buck.

Let it roll down the highway, . . .

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