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Минусовка You are My №1


MP3 256 kBit/s 44100 Hz 8.48 Mb 4:38

Текст песни You are My №1 (Алсу):

I?ve kissed the moon a million times
 The extravagance in the sky
 I?ve sensed awful in the summertime
 Felt the evening of the powers above us
I?ve seen the world from the highest mountain
 Taste the love from the purest fountain
 I?ve seen lips that spark desire
 Felt the butterflies a hundred times
I?ve even seen miracles
 I felt the pain desappear
 But still haven?t seen many things
 And daisies me ... like you do
 You bring me up when i?m feeling down
 You touch me deep, you touch me right
 You do the things i?ve never done
 You make me weak, you make me wild
 Cause baby you?re my number one
I?ve sailed in a perfect dream
 I?ve seen the sun make love to the see
 I?ve kissed the moon a million times
 The extravagance in the sky
I?ve even seen miracles
 I?ve seen the tears desappear
 But still haven?t seen many things
 And daises me ... like you do
Repeat Chorus till the end

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