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Минусовка Tico Tico

Arielle Dombasle

MP3 320 kBit/s 44100 Hz 5 Mb 2:11

Текст песни Tico Tico (Arielle Dombasle):

Well tico-tico tick
 Oh tico-tico tock
 This tico-tico he's the cuckoo in my clock
 And when he says Cuckoo 
 He means it's time to woo
 It's tico-time for all the lovers in the block
 I've got a heavy date 
 A te te te at eight
 So speak oh tico tell me is it getting late
 If I'm on time Cu-ckoo
 But if I'm late Woo-woo
 The one my heart has gone to may 
 Not want to wait

 For just a birdie 
 And a birdie who goes no-where
 He knows of ev'ry Lovers' Lane 
 And how to go there
 For in affairs of the heart 
 My Tico's terribly smart
 He tells me Gently sentiment'ly at the start

 Oh-oh I hear my little tico-tico calling
 Because the time is right 
 And shades of night are falling
 I love that not-so-cuckoo cuckoo in my clock
 Tico-tico tico-tico-tico tock

 I've got a heavy date 
 A te te te at eight
 So speak oh tico tell me is it getting late
 If I'm on time Cu-ckoo
 But if I'm late Woo-woo
 The one my heart has gone to may 
 Not want to wait

 For just a birdie 
 And a birdie who goes no-where
 He knows of ev'ry Lovers' Lane 
 And how to go there
 For in affairs of the heart 
 My Tico's terribly smart
 He tells me Gently sentiment'ly at the start

 Oh-oh I hear my little tico-tico calling
 Because the time is right 
 And shades of night are falling
 I love that not-so-cuckoo cuckoo in my clock
 Tico-tico tico-tico-tico tock
 Tico-tico tico-tico-tico tock
 Tico-tico tico-tico-tico tock

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