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Минусовка Cool

Anthony Hamilton

MP3 128 kBit/s 44100 Hz 4.05 Mb 4:25

Текст песни Cool (Anthony Hamilton):

We don't have to worry bout no money, to have us a real good time
And we don't have to leave in the morning, the whole day just you and I,
And it don't have to get any better, it's perfect you in my life.

If you're cool, then I'm cool, then we're cool

We don't have to worry bout no groceries, we can fill up on love alone,
If we ain't got enough for a movie, we can just sit at home
Have a little role play baby, whatever turns you on

If you're cool, then I'm cool, then we're cool
If you're cool, then I'm cool, then we're cool

Quit your worrying baby
Quit your worrying girl
Quit your crying lady
We can conquer the world

Pack a lil love for the evening, let me hold you tight
Don't be worried about my problems believe me- everything's gonna be alright
... watching cartoons, whatever makes you smile

If you're cool, then I'm cool, then we're cool
If you're cool, then I'm cool, then we're cool

Quit your worrying baby
Quit your worrying girl
Quit your crying lady
We can conquer the world

Ain't nobody worried bout no money, and we still gonna have a good time
Like JJ, Thelma, and Willona, we gonna have a good time
We can take a stroll in the park, holding hands walking side by side
Drop the top down on the lac, feel the breeze and take a lil ride
You know I love the southern stuff baby
Fish and chicken with the hot fries
And we a perfect match, I'm the ham and you the good collard greens on the side

Don't worry girl
Don't worry... No
We're alright
Hold On, Hold On

Quit your worrying baby
Quit your worrying girl
Quit your crying lady
We can conquer the world
We can conquer the world

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