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Минусовка Can't Let Go

Anthony Hamilton

MP3 128 kBit/s 44100 Hz 3.6 Mb 3:55

Текст песни Can't Let Go (Anthony Hamilton):

No matter what the people say
I can't, I can't let go
No, no

Why must they try to tear down my house when they know it's made from love
And they could never stand in my way
We made a vow to love through it all
We are one
And no one has the right to tear my love down

No matter what the people say, I'm gonna love you anyway
You are my life, I can't let go
Even if we fuss or fight, try til we get it right
You are my life, I can't let go
Even if we disagree, you can put it all on me
You are my life, I can't let go
I can't, I can't let you go

How dare they say
That a love like ours wont last?
God made no mistakes
When He sheltered me with your heart
There's no safer place than to be in love
And here I will stand
And there ain't never
Ain't gonna never ever leave you alone

No matter what the people say I'm gonna love you anyway
You are my life, I can't let go
Even if we fuss or fight, try til we get it right
You are my life, I can't let go
Even if we disagree, you can put it all on me
You are my life, I can't let go
I can't, I can't let you go

All that I know now is to give you all of me
And no matter how long I take
And every part of me belongs to your love
Help me, help me

No matter what the people say, I'm gonngonna love you anyway
You are my life, I can't let go
Even if we fuss or fight, try til we get it right
You are my life, I can't let go
Even if we disagree, you can put it all on me
You are my life, I can't let go
I can't, I can't let you go

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