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Минусовка Turning Tables


MP3 320 kBit/s 44100 Hz 9.83 Mb 4:18

Текст песни Turning Tables (Adele):

Close enough to start a war
 All that I have is on the floor
 God only knows what we're fighting for
 All that I say, you always say more

 I can't keep up with your turning tables
 Under your thumb, I can't breathe

 So I won't let you close enough to hurt me no
 I won't rescue you to just desert me
 I can't give you the heart you think you give me
 It's time to say goodbye to turning tables
 To turning tables

 Under haunted skies I see you
 Where love is lost, your ghost is found
 I've lived a hundred storms to leave you
 As hard as you try, no I will never be knocked down

 I can't keep up with your turning tables
 Under your thumb, I can't breathe

 So I won't let you close enough to hurt me, no
 I won't rescue you to just desert me
 I can't give you the heart you think you give me
 It's time to say goodbye to turning tables
 Turning tables

 Next time I'll be braver
 I'll be my own savior
 When the thunder comes for me
 Next time I'll be braver
 I'll be my own savior
 Standing on my own two feet

 I won't let you close enough to hurt me, no
 I won't rescue you to just desert me
 I can't give you the heart you think you give me
 It's time to say goodbye to turning tables
 To turning tables
 Turning tables, yeah
 Turning ohh

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