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Минусовка The Bride

Trick Pony

MP3 128 kBit/s 44100 Hz 2.81 Mb 3:04

Текст песни The Bride (Trick Pony):

The day's finally here,
There's flowers everywhere.
The guests are waitin' with sweet anticipation.
As I look down the aisle,
The preacher stops an' smiles.
Church bells are ringin' an' the organ is playin'.
I'm so overcome that I could cry.
I'm so happy I'm not the bride.

She's such a pretty thing,
She don't know anythin'...
Ain't gonna tell her that she's outta her mind.
The preacher asks the question...
No, I got no objection.
I do, I do; I want him out of my life.
Throw the rice an' let those white doves fly...
Oh, happy day... I'm not the bride.

Eat some more cake,
Throw the bouquet,
Pass the champagne, it's time to celebrate.
I'm gonna dance this night away,
Whoa, whoa, yeah.

[Instrumental break]

The groom is gettin' loud,
His new wife starts to shout.
Oh, this is perfect, it can only get better.
They're fightin' in the car, off to a real good start.
His momma's cryin'. Aren't they lovely together?
They're drivin' away, we're wavin' goodbye.
Close call, relax, Amen, Hallelujah,
By the grace of God go I... I'm not the bride.
Well, I'm not the bride.

I'm free, I'm free, I'm free.
I'm not the bride.
Thank God!

Goodbye now.
Good luck girl.
You're gonna need it.
Ha, ha, ha.

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