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Минусовка A Man and a Woman

Tamiko Jones

MP3 320 kBit/s 44100 Hz 5.89 Mb 2:34

Текст песни A Man and a Woman (Tamiko Jones):

When hearts are passing in the night, in the lonely night
Then they must hold each other tight, oh, so very tight
And take a chance that in the light, in tomorrow's light
They'll stay together, so much in love

And in the silence of a mist, of a morning mist
When lips are waiting to be kissed, longing to be kissed
Where is the reason to resist and deny a kiss
That holds a promise of happiness?

Though yesterday still surrounds you with a warm and 
precious memory
Maybe for tomorrow we can build a new dream for you and me

This glow we feel is something rare, something really rare
So come and say you want to share, want to really share
The beauty waiting for us there, calling for us there
That only loving can give the heart

When life is passing in the night, in the rushing night
A man, a woman in the night, in the lonely night
Must take a chance that in the light, in tomorrow's light
They'll be together, so much in love
Together, so much in love

So tell me

You're not afraid to take a chance, really take a chance
Let your heart begin to dance, let it sing and dance
To the music of a glance, of a fleeting glance
To the music of romance, of a new romance
Take a chance

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