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Минусовка Rain Fall Down 2

Rolling Stones

MP3 320 kBit/s 44100 Hz 13.43 Mb 5:52

Текст песни Rain Fall Down 2 (Rolling Stones):

written by M. Jagger,  K. Richards

Rain fall down

It was a filthy block of flats
Trash was on the floor
A stink was in my nose
Hinges off the doors
She took me in her room
All was spick and span
Fixed me up a drink
Turned down all the lamps
And the rain fell down
On the cold hard ground
And the phone kept ringing
And we made sweet love
Why do we live in this strange grey town?
They build it up and let it all fall down
Feel like we're living in a battleground
Everybody's jazzed
Why do we live in this strange grey town?
The paint is peeling and the sky turned brown
The bankers are wankers, every Thursday night
They just vomit on the ground
And the rain fell down
The cold grey town
And the phone kept ringing
And we made sweet love
And we made sweet love
Everybody's dreaming
Everybody's scheming
Watching the rain fall down
She cooked me up some eggs
Then she made some tea
Kissed me on the cheek
And I turned on her TV
It was all the usual crap
All the usual sleaze
For 10.000 quid
Some bimbo spilled the beans, yeah
And the rain fell down
On the cold grey town
And the phone kept ringing
And we made sweet love
And we made sweet love
And the rain fell down
And we made, and we made, and we made sweet love
And the phone kept, the phone kept ringing...
And the phone kept ringing
The phone kept ringing, yeah
And the rain… rain… rain… rain… rain… rain… rain…

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