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Минусовка The Never-Ending Why


MP3 192 kBit/s 44100 Hz 4.67 Mb 3:24

Текст песни The Never-Ending Why (Placebo):

The Never-Ending Why

The atom will implode
The fragile kingdom fold
The tremor becomes a quake
And there's a body in the lake
And as the two of us rebel
And damn you all to Hell
I wonder: is this all there is?

Time will help you through
But it doesn't have the time
To give you all the answers
To the never-ending why

As a sound of silence grows
As the spiders kiss is laid
The tumour becomes malign
But the kids are doing fine
And as the two of us rebel
And damn you all to Hell
I wonder: is this all there is?

Time will help you through
But it doesn't have the time
To give you all the answers
To the never-ending why
Time will help you through
But it doesn't have the time
To give you all the answers
To the never-ending why

Time will help you through
But it doesn't have the time
To give you all the answers
To the never-ending why

Time will help you through
But it doesn't have the time
To give you all the answers
To the never-ending why

Time will help you through
But it doesn't have the time
To give you all the answers
To the never-ending why

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