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Минусовка Protect Me From What I Want


MP3 320 kBit/s 44100 Hz 7.48 Mb 3:16

Текст песни Protect Me From What I Want (Placebo):

Protect Me From What I Want

It's the disease of the age
It's the disease that we crave
Alone at the end of the rave
We catch the last bus home
Corporate America waits
Coffee republic and cakes
We open the latch on the gate
Of the hole that we call a home

Protect me from what I want
Protect me from what I want
Protect me from what I want
Protect me protect me

Maybe we're victim to fate
Remember when we'd celebrate
We'd drink and get high until late
And now we're all alone
Wedding bells ain't gonna chime
With both of us guilty of crime
And both of us sentenced to time
And now we're all alone

Protect me from what I want
Protect me from what I want
Protect me from what I want
Protect me protect me

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