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Минусовка Pipes Of Peace

Paul McCartney

MP3 128 kBit/s 44100 Hz 3.52 Mb 3:50

Текст песни Pipes Of Peace (Paul McCartney):

I light a candle to our love
in love our problems disappear.
But all in all we soon discover that one and one is all we long to hear.
All round the world little children being born to the world

Got to give them all we can till the war is won:
Then will the work be done.

Help them to learn songs of joy instead of burn

Let us show them how to play the pipes of peace

Play the pipes of peace.
Help me to leani songs of joy instead of burn

Won't you show me how to play the pipes of peace

Play the pipes of peace.
What do you say
will the human race be run in a day

Or will someone save this planet we're playing on?
Is it the only one? What are we going to do?
Help them to see that the people here are like you and me

Let us show them how to play the pipes of peace

Play the pipes of peace.
I light a candle to our love
in love our problems disappear

But all in all we soon discover that one and one is all we long to hear.

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