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Минусовка Like it or not


MP3 192 kBit/s 44100 Hz 6.33 Mb 4:36

Текст песни Like it or not (Madonna):

Like it or not	Нравится тебе это или нет

You can call me a sinner 
Or you can call me a saint 
Celebrate me for who I am 
Dislike me for what I ain't 
Put me up on a pedestal 
Or drag me down in the dirt 
Sticks and stones will break my bones 
But your names will never hurt 

I'll be the garden, you'll be the snake 
All of my fruit is yours to take 
Better the devil that you know 
Your love for me will grow 

This is who I am 
You can like it or not 
You can love me or leave me 
'Cause I'm never gonna stop 
No no 
You know (all except first time) 

Cleopatra had her way 
Matahari too 
Whether they were good or bad 
Is strictly up to you 

Life is a paradox 
And it doesn't make much sense 
Can't have the "femme" without the "fatale" 
Please don't take offense 

Don't let the fruit rot under the vine 
Fill up your cup and let's drink the wine 
Better the devil that you know 
Your love for me will grow 

This is who I am 
You can like it or not 
You can love me or leave me 
'Cause I'm never gonna stop 
No no 
You know 
No no, you know 

I'll be the garden, you'll be the snake 
All of my fruit is yours to take 
Better the devil that you know 
Your love for me will grow 

This is who I am 
You can like it or not 
You can love me or leave me 
'Cause I'm never gonna stop 
No no, you know

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