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Минусовка Prayer In C

Lilly Wood and The Prick

MP3 192 kBit/s 44100 Hz 4.34 Mb 3:09

Текст песни Prayer In C (Lilly Wood and The Prick):

You, You never said a word
You didn‘t send me no letter
Don‘t think i could forgive you

See our world is slowly dying
I‘m no wasting no more time
Don‘t think i could believe you

You, You never said a word
You didn‘t send me no letter
Don‘t think i could forgive you

See our world is slowly dying
I‘m no wasting no more time
Don‘t think i could believe you

You, our hands will get more wrinkle
And i hear It will be grey
Don‘t think i could forgive you

And see the children are starving
and the houses were destroy
Don‘t think they could forgive you

Hey, when seas will cover lands
And when men will be no more
Don‘t think you can forgive you

Oh when there‘s just be silence
And When life will be over
Don‘t think you will forgive you

You, You never said a word
You didn‘t send me no letter
Don‘t think i could forgive you

See our world is slowly dying
I‘m no wasting no more time
Don‘t think i could believe you

You, You never said a word
You didn‘t send me no letter
Don‘t think i could forgive you

See our world is slowly dying
I‘m no wasting no more time
Don‘t think i could believe you

You, our hands will get more wrinkle
And i hear It will be grey
Don‘t think i could forgive you

And see the children are starving
and the houses were destroy
Don‘t think they could forgive you

Hey, when seas will cover lands
And when men will be no more
Don‘t think you can forgive you

Oh when there‘s just be silence
And When life will be over
Don‘t think you will forgive you

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