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Минусовка Raining On Sunday

Keith Urban

MP3 128 kBit/s 44100 Hz 3.66 Mb 3:59

Текст песни Raining On Sunday (Keith Urban ):

It ticks just like a time x
It never lets up on you
Who said life was easy
The job is never through
It'll run us til we're ragged
It'll harden our hearts

And love could use a day of rest
Before we both start falling apart
Pray that its raining on sunday
Storming like crazy

Well hide under the covers all afternoon
Baby whatever comes monday
Can take care of itself
cause we got better things that we could do

When its raining on sunday
Your love is like religion
A cross in mexico
And your kiss is like the innocence

Of a prayer nailed to a door
Oh surrender in much sweeter
When we both let it go
Let the water wash our bodies clean

And love wash our souls
Pray that its raining on sunday
Storming like crazy
Well hide under the covers all afternoon

Baby whatever comes monday
Can take care of itself
cause we got better things that we could do
When its raining on sunday

Pray that its raining on sunday
Storming like crazy
Well hide under the covers all afternoon
Baby whatever comes monday

Can take care of itself
cause we got better things that we could do
When its raining on sunday
When its raining on sunday
When its raining on sunday

Let it rain

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