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Минусовка Rocky Mountain Way

Joe Walsh

MP3 128 kBit/s 44100 Hz 2.75 Mb 3:00

Текст песни Rocky Mountain Way (Joe Walsh):

Spent the last year Rocky Mountain Way,
Couldn't get much higher.
Out to pasture, think it's safe to say,
Time to open fire.
And we don't need the ladies cryin' 'cause the story's sad.
Rocky Mountain Way is the best way that we ever had.
Well he's tellin' us this and he's tellin' us that.
Changin' it every day.
Says it doesn't matter.
Bases are loaded and Casey's at bat
Playin' it play by play.
Time to change the batter.
And we don't need the ladies cryin' 'cause the story's sad.
Rocky Mountain Way is the best way that we ever had.
(Here Joe plays some really fantastic guitar work, including a talkbox
Solo/duet that really was the first time a talkbox was used in a rock tune nd
The second time a talkbox was used at all on an album. The 'box he is using
Is the first one ever built, the one used on the only other recording at the
Time. Joe had modified it slightly to make it more talky, and thus began an
Interesting new facet in rock guitar. Joe introduced the 'box to Peter 

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