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Минусовка Jupiter


MP3 128 kBit/s 44100 Hz 4.18 Mb 4:34

Текст песни Jupiter (Jewel):

Venus de Milo in her half-baked shell
Understood the nature of love very well
She said, "A good love is delicious, you can't get enough too soon.
It makes you so crazy you want to
swallow the moon."
Oh, oh Jupiter
Oh, oh be still my little heart
Oh, oh love is a flame neither timid nor tame
Take these start from my crown
Let the years fall down
Lay me out in firelight
Let my skin feel the night
Fasten me to your side
Say it will be soon
You make me so crazy, baby
Could swallow the moon
My hands are two transvelers they've crossed oceans and lands
yet they are too small on the continent of your skin
Wandering, wandering I could spend my life
Traveling the length of your body each night
Oh, oh Jupiter
Oh, oh be still my little heart
Oh, oh love is a flame neither timid nor tame
Take these start from my crown
Let the years fall down
Lay me out in firelight
let my skin feel the night
Fasten me to your side
And say it will be soon
You make me so crazy, baby
Could swallow the moon
Swallow the moon
Swallow the moon
Swallow the moon 

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