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Минусовка Wonderland

Heidi Klum

MP3 192 kBit/s 44100 Hz 5.58 Mb 4:03

Текст песни Wonderland (Heidi Klum):

everybody's cheering up tonight 
 children's eyes reflecting candlelight 
 sligh bells in every street - the world is waiting 
 for Santa Claus to come 
 people feel that there hearts can beat as one 
 as one had joined it


 wonderland, wonderland, shining stars, jingle bells 
 this time is filled with magic 
 wonderland, wonderland, shining stars, jingle bells 
 all over the world

 everyone who's lonely in this night 
 step onto this street no don´t think twice 
 leave your headache behind light up the candle 
 the magic is inside of you. 
 let the stranges around you feel it too, feel it too

 wiederholung des chorus

 leave your headache behind, light up the candle 
 the magic is inside of you 
 let the stranges around you feel it too, feel it too

 wonderland, wonderland, shining stars, jingle bells 
 let the stranges around you feel it too 
 wonderland, wonderland, shining stars, jingle bells 
 feel it too 
 wonderland, wonderland, shining stars, jingle bells 
 this time is filled with magic 
 wonderland, wonderland, shining stars, jingle bells 
 all over the world

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