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Минусовка Dum Tek Tek


MP3 320 kBit/s 44100 Hz 7.01 Mb 3:04

Текст песни Dum Tek Tek (Hadise):

Dum tek tek
Baby, you’re perfect for me
You are my gift from heaven
This is the greatest story
Of all times
We met like in a movie
So meant to last forever
And what you’re doing to me
Feels so fine
Angel, I wake up
And live my dreams endlessly
Crazy for you

Can you feel the rhythm in my heart?
The beat’s going dum tek tek
Always louder like there’s no limit
Feels like there’s no way back
Can you feel the rhythm in my heart?
The beat’s going dum tek tek
Always louder like there’s no limit
Feels like there’s no way back

Baby, I read all answers
In your exotic movements
You are the greatest dancer
Of all times
You make me feel so special
No one can kiss like you do
As if it’s your profession
Feels so fine
Angel, I wake up
And live my dreams endlessly
Crazy for you

Can you feel the rhythm in my heart?
The beat’s going dum tek tek
Always louder like there’s no limit
Feels like there’s no way back
Can you feel the rhythm in my heart?
The beat’s going dum tek tek
Always louder like there’s no limit
Feels like there’s no way back

Can you feel the rhythm in my heart?

Can you feel the rhythm in my heart?
The beat’s going dum tek tek
Always louder like there’s no limit
Feels like there’s no way back
Can you feel the rhythm in my heart?
The beat’s going dum tek tek
Always louder like there’s no limit
Feels like there’s no way back
Always louder like there’s no limit
Feels like there’s no way back
Always louder like there’s no limit
Feels like dum tek tek

Версия для печати Версия для печати

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