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Минусовка Beer Run

Garth Brooks

MP3 253 kBit/s 44100 Hz 5.7 Mb 3:09

Текст песни Beer Run (Garth Brooks):

Twenty-five minutes past quitting time
Seven of us crammed into that truck of mine
Paying no attention to them highway signs
Going 90 mile an hour toward that county line
Quick sack, 12 pack, back again
It's a B-double E-double are you in?
My buddy and their babies letting down their hair
As long as we're together it don't matter where
Ain't got a lot of money but we just don't care
Knowing that the fun is in the getting there
Aztec, long necks, paychecks spent
It's a B-double E-double are you in?

Oh, I can't stop thinking
What the hell they were drinking
When they made this county dry
I got a week long thirst and what makes it worse
Lord, it's my turn to drive

Laughing and a bragging and a' carrying on
We loaded up the wagon and we headed home
I guess half a dozen cases doesn't last that long
Come tomorrow morning it'll be all gone
It's turn around, leave town, sounds again
Like a B-double E-double are you in?

Like a B-double E-double are you in?

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