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Минусовка Stormy Weather

Ella Fitzgerald

MP3 192 kBit/s 44100 Hz 4.49 Mb 3:16

Текст песни Stormy Weather (Ella Fitzgerald):

Don‘t know why
 There‘s no sun up in the sky
 Stormy weather
 Since my man and I ain‘t together
 Keeps raining all the time

 Life is bare
 Gloom and misery everywhere
 Stormy weather
 Just can‘t get my poor old self together
 I‘m weary all the time, the time
 So weary all of the time

 When he went away
 The blues walked in and met me
 If he stays away, old rocking chair will get me
 All I do is pray
 The lord above will let me
 Walk in the sun once more

 Can‘t go on
 Everything I had is gone
 Stormy weather
 Since my man and I ain‘t together
 Keeps raining all the time
 Keeps raining all of the time

 I walk around,
 Heavy-hearted and sad
 Night comes around
 And I‘m still feeling bad
 Rain pourin‘ down
 Blinding every hope I had
 This pitter ‘n patter ‘n beatin‘ ‘n spatterin‘ drivin‘ me mad

 Love, love, love, love
 This misery will be the end of me

 When he went away
 The blues walked in and met me
 If he stays away, old rocking chair will get me
 All I do is pray
 The lord above will let me
 Walk in the sun once more

 Can‘t go on
 Everything I had is gone
 Stormy weather
 Since my man and I ain‘t together
 Keeps raining all the time, the time
 Keeps raining all the time

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