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Минусовка Five long years

Buddy Guy

MP3 128 kBit/s 44100 Hz 1.89 Mb 2:03

Текст песни Five long years (Buddy Guy):

Lord, have you ever been mistreated
Then you got to, you got to know just what I'm talking about
Yes, have you ever been mistreated
Then you got to, you got to know just what I'm talking about
Lord I work five long years for one woman, and she had the nerve to kick me out

I got a job at a steel mill, I'm shucking steel just like a slave
Five long years, every Friday y'all I went straight home yeah, I went straight home
Then you got to, you got to know just what I'm talking about
Lord I work five long years for one woman, and she had the nerve to kick me out

Lord but I finally learned a lesson, I should have known long time ago
The next woman I marry, she gotta have two jobs, and she gotta go out and work long and bring some dough
Lord, said I been mistreated
And you got to, you got to know just what I'm talking about
Lord I work five long years for one woman, and she had the nerve to kick me out

Have you ever been mistreated
Then you got to, you got to know just what I'm talking about
Yes, have you ever been mistreated
Then you got to, you got to know just what I'm talking about
Lord I work five long years for one woman, and she had the nerve to kick me out

I got a job at a steel mill, I'm shucking steel just like a slave
Five long years, every Friday yes yo'all I went straight home, I went straight home with all my pay
Yes, I've been mistreated
And you got to, you got to know just what I'm talking about
Lord I work five long years for one woman, and she had the nerve to kick me out

Lord I finally learned a lesson, I should have known a long time ago
The next woman I marry, she gotta have two jobs, and she gotta go out and work and bringing home some dough
I've been mistreated, yeah
And you, you know just what I'm talking about
I work five long years for one woman, and she had the nerves to kick me out 

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