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Минусовка New Orleans

Blues Brothers

MP3 320 kBit/s 44100 Hz 8.81 Mb 3:51

Текст песни New Orleans (Blues Brothers):

New Orleans

I said a hey, hey, hey, hey, yeah
(I said a hey, hey, hey, hey, yeah)
I said a hey, a hey, hey, yeah
(I said a hey, a hey, hey, yeah)
A come on everybody take a trip with me
Down the Mississippi down to New Orleans

They got a honeysuckel growing on a honeysuckel vine
And a love is a blooming there all the time
Well every southern bell is a Mississippi queen
Down the Mississippi down to New Orleans

I said a hey, hey, hey, hey, yeah
(I said a hey, hey, hey, hey, yeah)
I said a hey, hey, hey, yeah
(I said a hey, hey, hey, yeah)

A come on take a stroll down to Basin street
Listin to the music with that dixieland beat
Well the magnolia blossems fill the air
You ain't been to heaven till you been down there
They got ten vines hanging from a peacock tree
Get outta here Jimmy Vaughan take it

I said a hey, hey, hey, hey, yeah
(I said a hey, hey, hey, hey, yeah)
I said a hey, hey, hey, yeah
(I said a hey, hey, hey, yeah)

Come on everybody take a trip with me
Down the Mississippi down to New Orleans
Well a honeysuckel hanging on a honeysuckel vine
Well love is a blooming there all the time
Every southern bell is a Mississippi queen
Down the Mississippi down to New Orleans

Yeah, yeah, yeah
(Yeah, yeah, yeah)
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
(Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)

Come on take a stroll down to Basin street
Listen to the music with the dixieland beat
The magnolia blossems fill the air
Ya ain't been to heaven till ya been down there
Honeysuckel hanging from a hollow tree
Down the Mississippi down to New Orleans

Hey, hey, hey, yeah
(Hey, hey, hey, yeah)
I said a look out John hey, yeah, yeah
( I said a look out John hey, yeah, yeah)

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