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Минусовка Shadow of the moon

Blackmores Night

MP3 320 kBit/s 44100 Hz 11.87 Mb 5:11

Текст песни Shadow of the moon (Blackmores Night):

In the shadow of the moon, 
She danced in the starlight
Whispering a haunting tune 
To the night

Velvet skirts spun 'round and 'round 
Fire in her stare
In the woods without a sound 
No one cared… 

Through the darkened fields entranced, 
Music made her poor heart dance,
Thinking of a lost romance… 
Long ago…               
uh uh uh uh uhuhuhuh uh

Feeling lonely, feeling sad,
She cried in the moonlight.
Driven by a world gone mad 
She took flight… 

Feel no sorrow, feel no pain, 
Feel no hurt, there's nothing gained… 
Only love will then remain,» 
She would say.

Shadow of the Moon       Shadow of the Moon 
Shadow of the Moon       Shadow of the Moon

Through the darkened fields entranced, 
Music made her poor heart dance,
Thinking of a lost romance…  
Long ago…  
uh uh uh uh uhuhuhuh uh

Somewhere just beyond the mist 
Spirits were seen flying
As the lightning led her way 
Through the dark… 

In the shadow of the moon, 
She danced in the starlight
Whispering a haunting tune 
To the night

Shadow of the Moon       Shadow of the Moon 
Shadow of the Moon       Shadow of the Moon
Shadow of the Moon 
Shadow of the Moon

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