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Минусовка Shes Not Crying Anymore

Billy Ray Cyrus

MP3 128 kBit/s 44100 Hz 3.29 Mb 3:35

Текст песни Shes Not Crying Anymore (Billy Ray Cyrus):

She used to cry when I'd come home late
She couldn't buy the lies I told
All she wanted was to be needed
Someone that she could call her own
The love I know I took for granted
Until she walked out of my door
Too little too late to say I'm sorry
'Cause she's not cryin' anymore

She's not cryin' anymore
She ain't lonely any longer
There's a smile upon her face
A new love takes my place
She's not cryin' anymore

I hear she's really doin' well now
She's picked herself up off the ground
I wasn't there when I was needed
But I was there to let her down
Sometimes you know I feel so foolish
If I knew then what I know now
Another tear would never fall
'Cause I'd give our love my all
If we could work things out somehow

She's not cryin' anymore
She ain't lonely any longer
There's a smile upon her face
A new love takes my place
She's not cryin' anymore

She's not cryin' anymore
She ain't lonely any longer
There's a smile upon her face
A new love takes my place
She's not cryin' anymore

There's a smile upon her face
A new love takes my place
She's not cryin' any more

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