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Минусовка A Thousand Stars

Billy Fury

MP3 128 kBit/s 44100 Hz 3.03 Mb 3:18

Текст песни A Thousand Stars (Billy Fury ):

A thousand stars in the skies
Like the stars in your eyes
They say to me
That there'll never be
No other love
Like yours for me

A thousand stars in the skies
Make me realize
You are the one love
That I'll adore
Tell me you love me
Tell me you're mine once more
(You're mine, you're mine once more)

Each night I count
The stars in the skies
Hoping that you aren't telling me lies
You're with me tonight 
I'm captured by your charms
Oh, pretty baby
Let me hold you in my arms

A thousand stars in the skies
Make me realize
You are the one love
That I'll adore
Tell me you love me
Tell me you're mine once more
(You're mine, you're mine once more)

Each night I count
The stars in the skies
Hoping that you're not telling me lies
You're with me tonight
I'm captured by your charms
Oh, pretty baby
Let me hold you in my arms

A thousand stars in the skies
Make me realize
You are the one love
That I'll adore
Tell me you love me
Tell me you're mine once more

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