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Минусовка Safe From Harm

Bebe Winans

MP3 128 kBit/s 44100 Hz 4.12 Mb 4:29

Текст песни Safe From Harm (Bebe Winans):

If I lose my life, I will find again
I will soar on eagle's wings and then
Ever cease from war, rest in Jesus arms
For the Lord, He's good and I am safe from harm

It's the Lord that gives, heard the prophets say
And I will bless His name, though he takes away
I will trust, not fear, naught to be alarmed
For the Lord, He's good and I am safe from harm

I'm safe, I'm safe
In the eye of the storm, there's calm
For the Lord He's good
My soul is safe from harm

So when the tear ducts swell and my strength has gone
I will still believe when His name I call
He will rescue me for dusk turns to dawn
For the Lord He's good and I am safe from harm

I'm safe, I'm safe
In the eye of the storm, there's calm
For the Lord He's good
For the Lord He's good
For the Lord He's good
My soul is safe from harm

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