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Минусовка Root Of All Evil

Beautiful South

MP3 128 kBit/s 44100 Hz 2.74 Mb 2:59

Текст песни Root Of All Evil (Beautiful South):

If euro replaces the pound
It's still likely to be shiny and round
Rich may switch the way they feel rich
but not the man who's alive
or the man who has drowned
Keeping pound only makes sense

if you're worth more than 99 pence Those who have a lot and those who have not
remain francs marks pesetas or cents

If money is the root of all evil
what does that make lover of pound
We'll be eating frogs and modelling clogs
and you'll be hunting french
and dutch with a hound

Now a nation goes to the vote
so our country has its name on the note
Same set of people same boat
need their name in the back of their coat

Heads or tails can't have been won
on whose head graced whatever was spun
If queen's head's not on money they've got
It's still business and money's still fun

If money is the root of all evil
what does that make lover of pound
We'll be eating frogs and modelling clogs and you'll be hunting french
and dutch with a hound

Now a nation goes to the vote
so our country has its name on the note
Same set of people same boat
need their name in the back of their coat

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